«Ұлы даланың – ұлттық ойындары» атты квест-ойыны өтті

March, 14-15 in the First President Historical and Cultural Center passed the cognitive-educational quest-game Uly Dalanyn-Ulttik Ojyndary. The event is held in the framework of the program of modernization of public consciousness the Year of Youth in accordance with the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev.
In the article of the Head of State the Seven Faces of Great Steppe pointed out: the revival of historical consciousness for the younger generation begins, first and foremost, with the knowledge of the being, the ancestor. Only with traditions and customs we will not forget our past.
The quest-game was attended by more than 150 students from 6 Temirtau colleges. Specially prepared video on the National Games was shown, young people responded to questions about the historical and cognitive issues, participated in the contest of proverbs and sayings, showed the knowledge of customs and traditions.
At the conclusion of events students who actively participate in the quest-game were handed grateful letters and gifts from the Center.