Son of His Time

Human personality is formed in early childhood under the influence of the family, parents, entourage and the historical era in which an individual lives.
The youth of Nursultan Nazarbayev took place in difficult for country military and post-war years. From childhood accustomed to hard work, brought up in the spirit of national culture, living among representatives of different nationalities and religions, Nursultan Nazarbayev has learned to take responsibility for themselves and for the fate of his loved ones. The aspiration to become the backbone of the family, the desire to learn, the faith in the force and great future for native nation became a reliable foundation that defined personal qualities of the future President.

Nursultan Nazarbayev was born July 6, 1940 in Chemolgan village at the foothills of Zailisky Alatau. In the center of the hall there is the diorama “Ushkonyr”, recreating the President’s childhood places. Great steppe landscape is recreated based on the movie “The Sky of My Childhood”. The showcases are presented the family tree of the genus Shapyrashty – ancestors of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Kazakh household objects, replicas of an house in Chemolgan village, where the future President lived with his parents and technical school No. 8 in Dneprodzerzhinsk, where he received professional education. Also visitors can get acquainted with Nazarbayev’s school and student pictures, honorary certificates and the form of direction to work in construction department Domenstroj. In the hall there is also the red arch with the words “Here is built Kazakhstan Magnitka – the maim construction in the country”. Such arches stood at all the entrances to the Temirtau in 50-60th of the 20th century.