The son of his time

Human’s personality is formed in the early childhood under the influence of family, parents, immediate environment and historical era in which a person lives. Nursultan Nazarbayev’s youth took place during the difficult war and post-war years for the country. The desire to become the support of the family, the desire to learn, and faith in the future of the native people became a reliable foundation that determined the personal qualities of the future President.

Nursultan Nazarbaev was born on the 6th of July, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan at the foothills of Zailisky Alatau.

In the center of the hall there is a diorama “Ushkonyr”, showing the places where the First President spent his childhood. The beautiful steppe landscape is recreated on the film “The Sky of My Childhood”.

The showcase presents family tree of generation Shapyrashty, the ancestors of Nazarbaev, made in ancient technique of embroidery Zerleu,the author of which is Aizhan Abdubaitova, household items of Kazakh people, the models of a native house in the village of Chemolgan and technical college number 8 in Dneprodzerzhinsk, where Nazarbaev received vocational education. Also visitors are able to with photographs in about school and student years of Nazarbaev, certificates of commendation, and a job assignment to the Domenstroy construction department.

There is a red arch with inscription «Here Kazakhstan Magnitka is being built, a priority Komsomol construction site of the country». These archs were at all the entrances into the city of Temirtau in the 50-60s. XX century.