Тұңғыш Президенттің тарихи-мәдени орталығында өткізілген Наурыз мейрамына арналған «Ұлыстың Ұлы күні» атты іс-шара туралы

March 15, 2018 in the First President Historical and Cultural Center there was the festive event dedicated to Nauryz.

The purpose of action – the disclosure of the value of the Nauryz holiday, promotion of national traditions and customs.

In celebration of Nauryz was attended by special guests: supporters of the Leader of the Nation, the master on manufacturing items of decoration national yurta, a resident of Temirtau Orynbek Kulymbetov, folk singer Mukagali Nurmakhanov, veterans ensemble Magnitka and others.

Within the event was organized the exhibition, where you can see the items of decoration and household item of kazakh yurta, handicrafts, as well as exhibits from the personal collection of the winner of the contest of masters of needlework in Temirtau, winner of the contest Best Products of Kazakhstan within Expo -2017 Azat Kolbaev.

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition were showing national customs Korіsu, Tusau Keser, Nauryz Bata, the concert of well known Amateur groups of Temirtau.