Қазақ қыранының қайталанбас қаһармандығы

May, 4 in the First President Historical and Cultural Center was held the event Kazak Kyranynyn Kajtalanbas Kaһarmandygy dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, Victory Day and the 100 anniversary of the birth of The Soviet Union hero, pilot Nurken Abdirov.
In the Red Hall of the Center gathered the members of the Temirtau Veterans Council and Council of elders, representatives of the Temirtau Office of Defense, veterans of the Afghan war, soldiers of military unit 5516, teachers of elementary military training schools, students of Cadet classes.
The event began with a minute of silence. And then the young cadets watched with interest the films about Nurken Abdirov heroism and the armed forces of Kazakhstan. Emotionally was performed by pupils of the town literary montage.
Unfortunately, time’s mercilessly. The Veterans of the great patriotic war is running out. With a genuine interest young people listened to a story about those distant days Aviy Jacquet. Veteran handed holiday gifts from the Historical and Cultural Centre.
On behalf of the command of the military unit 5516 which connects with our long-term cooperation, gathered in the Hall greets platoon commander, Lieutenant M. Dujsenali. Friendly applause was greeted a song by member the same part N. Shahadatov.
Head of research and exhibition work D. Ketebayev handed letters of thanks to active participants.
Event on the Patriotic education of young people and promoting heroism of the older generation, nurturing love for the country ended with a memory photo.