Тәуелсіз елдің – ұланымыз!
On December 20, 2019, an intellectual competition was organized for students of the school in the First President Historical and Cultural Center together with the school No.2 in Temirtau.
The main purpose of the intellectual competition is improving the cognitive level of students in grades 10-11.
At the beginning of the event, the students were introduced to a video about the history of Independence.
Three teams of high school students took part in the event. The children answered questions on the school program, the audience took an active part in the competition. The questions were presented in the form of cells on the LED screen, which helped to increase the interest of students to the competition.
Guests of the event performed poems dedicated to Independence Day, songs.
At the end of the event G. Kudarinova, deputy head of the Center for Basic Activities, presented letters of thanksand valuable gifts to the participants and organizers.
During the competition, a music video for the song “Men kazakpin” was filmedfor the Challenge, which was supported by the President of the country K. Tokayev. The center’s staff sent the video to the Karaganda Police Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.