ДОЙБЫДАН қалалық турнир өтті
August, 27 in celebration of Constitution Day and the Year of the youth in the First President Historical and Cultural Center took place tournament on checkers. The tournament was attended by representatives of State structures in Temirtau, a Temirtau internal Affairs training center, guests of the NGO For the Unity of the People, Generations and Traditions.
The aim of the event is to celebrate the national holiday – Constitution Day in an atmosphere of friendly sports contests, through participation in the tournament of young specialists of State institutions.
Chief referee of the tournament – Aleksey Kecle, President of the Chess Federation of Temirtau. Age: 22-72 years.
The tournament was held on the Swiss system. Winners among the men: 1 place-Valabuev P.-veteran of labour (72 years); 2 place – Tynybek H., a staff member of the Centre; 3rd place-Mustafin R., an employee of the Center.
The winners among the women: 1 place-Erkin Tansaule, an employee of the town library; 2 place – Zhұmash Bolganay, an employee of the town library; 3 place-Sulejmeneva Marina, Cadet Training Centre.
Temirtau tournament was held with the support of the Department of physical culture and sports in Temirtau.
Number of participants: 16, coverage of the 30 person.