February, 25 research fellow of the Center A. Kavayev participated in a professional session Kazakhstan Museum: Ideas and Realities in the Age of Globalization and Informatization, held in the Library of the First President of Kazakhstan-Elbasy. The session brought together more than 120 participants representing 52 organizations. The meeting was devoted to the issues of methodology and methods of realization of the program Rouhani Zhangyru and articles of the Head of State Seven Faces of Great Steppe in conditions of universal digitalization. The event was held in the format of Open Space, thanks to which participants knew innovative technologies in the Museum field and application of information resources in scientific and stock work, and also discussed controversial issues, was held professional exchange of views. All participants received certificates and took part in the tours of the President Library buildings.

Все участники сессии получили сертификаты, для них были проведены экскурсии по зданиям Библиотеки Елбасы.
Сессияға қатысушыларға сертификаттар табыс етіліп, Елбасы кітапханасының ғимараттары бойынша экскурсия жүргізілді.