«Мәңгілік ел қыранымын» атты әскери-патриоттық әндер фестивалі өтті
May 3, 2018 in the First President Historical and Cultural Center was held
the Festival of Military Patriotic Songs defender of the Motherland Defender Day,
the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 20 anniversary of Astana.
The main purpose of the Festival is the implementation of the provisions of
the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan 2050: Mangilik El»,
preservation of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At the Festival there were songs of the war years, military-patriotic about
homeland, Kazakhstan and songs about Astana.
Participants: members of the military units in Temirtau, students and
teachers of secondary institutions, teachers and students in the town schools.
At the end of the event the deputy head in the core activities N. Ilyasova
congratulated all with holidays and presented letters of appreciation to the
participants for their active participation in the Festival.