Сарыарқада самғаған қыран қыз

March 7, 2019 in the First President Historical and Cultural Center organized meeting of the youth with the heroine of the documentary film The Land of the Kazakh, filmed in 1959 about the first builders of Kazakhstan Magnitka Rahima Azhibaeva to mark the International Women’s Day.
The purpose of the event is to promote the education of the youth on the example some girls who arrived in the 50-ies of XX century to the Komsomol tickets worked on a construction site of Temirtau and steel plant Kazakhstan Magnitka.
The meeting was attended by teachers and students of the Karaganda State industrial University, heads of Temirtau school museums, representatives of public organizations.
During the event was shown an excerpt from the documentary The Land of the Kazakh about the first builders of Temirtau and metallurgical plant. Then one of the heroines of the film Rahima Azhibaeva, who came from a distant village in Almaty region to Temirtau worked a plasterer at first, then a Machinist of crane spoke about her life’s journey, answered questions from young people. Was read a poem by the famous poet Tajyr Zharokov Kranshy Kyz, written in the 1960 and dedicated to Rahima Azhibaeva.
The younger generation of Temirtau got acquainted with filled with heroism labour biography brave girl from the Kazakh village received extraordinary life lesson.
In conclusion, labour veteran activities, the first builder of Kazakhstan Magnitka Rahima Azhibaeva were handed a letter of thanks and a valuable gift of the First President Historical and Cultural Center.