«Уақыт сабақтастығы» шағын-көрмесі
28th of June people, who working for Mass Media celebrate their professional fest, named Day of communication and information workers in Kazakhstan.
Before this day named Day of Journalism and it was celebrated in Kazakhstan 10th of May, because in this day was published a newspaper Turkestanskie Vedomosti (Turkestan News) in 1870. This newspaper was first, which gave articles on Kazakh language. After adoption of the first Kazakh law about Mass Media, which named The law of Kazakh SSR “On Press and Other Mass Media” that fest got new name – Day of Press, Radio and Television. It was celebrated in last Sunday of June. Then, according to Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated October 20, 2011, celebration of this day was appointed on 28th of June, and fest got new name again. This name was Day of communication and information workers.
This name reflected essence of celebration in living condition of modern society. In this time Mass Media of Kazakhstan give great contribution in successful realization of programs of development of State, strengthening of stability, increase of international authority of country. That’s way, the mini-exhibition “Connection of times” dedicate to Day of communication and information workers as wonderful professional fest with interesting history.