«Жақсылық жолымен» атты балаларды қорғау күніне арналған көрме

May 28 in Historical and Cultural Centre of First President was open exhibition of fine art studio “Colours” of Center of Children and Youth “Alem”.
In this exhibition introduced children’s painting and drawing according next themes: “My happy Family” and “My happy childhood”. The exposition added of thematic video, what narrate about appearance such date like International Children’s Day and also movie about celebrating this fest in different countries.
Considered to be what in the first time the same fest was organized in 1925 y. with support of Chinese consul in San Francisco. He invited on holiday Duan Wu Jie children – orphans of chinese origin. They were so exiting and watch show of dragon boats with great interest. After they got presents and were so happy. There is not exactly knowledge, this event or some other was beginning of celebrating this holiday and proclamation June 1 of International Children’s Day. About this fest told in the same 1925th year in Geneva on International conference by questions of well-being of children.
In next time tragically military years in history not only Europe but whole the World were disturbing to celebrate this date. After World War II in 1949 y. was organized International Democratically Federation of Women. This federation been held in Paris and it decided many social question without restrictions. One day the organizers remembered about such good event was before Second World War like Day of Children. Then, from 1950 y. International Children’s Day began to be held all over the World.
The exhibition will continue until June, 5.