«Ғасырлар бойы ұмытылмас келбеттер» атты көрме ашылды
Art Exhibition the Centuries Stored Features

March 6, 2019 in the First President Historical and Cultural Center took place the opening of the new exhibition of the G. Zhubanova Children’s School of Arts “The Century Stored Features”. The exhibition presented women’s portraits executed in various techniques, including images of famous women from different eras; collecting images; portraits of literary and movie characters. In addition to painting and graphics, the important role of the exposition is devoted to sculpture. The exhibition “The Century Stored Features” complemented by works of decorative and applied art, executed in such techniques as batik, stained-glass window, mosaic and many others.
The image of women embodied on canvas or in marble is a precious fragility of dreams, wishing for a brief moment become a reality. While working on the art works artists use different techniques, a wide variety of expressive means, how would transmit the vibrations of the female soul, her secret.
The exhibition “The Century Stored Features” dedicated to the International Women’s Day.