Қазақстанның Халық қаһарманы, көрнекті жазушы, әйгілі партизан Қасым Қайсеновтің 100 жылдығына арналған «Қазақтың қайсар ұлы» атты әдеби кеш
April 20, 2018 in preparation for the celebration of the Day of Defenders of Homeland and The Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in the First President Historical and Cultural Center passed event dedicated to the 100 anniversary of the famous partizan, Kazakhstan Қaһarmany famous writer Kasym Kajsenov.
The aim of the event is to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, love for the motherland.
In the literary evening was attended by the teacher of the Kazakh language, and high school students, college students.
The event showcased videos on the activities and work of Kasym Kajsenov. presentations were made by the teacher of the Kazakh language secondary school No. 31 Shaku Gulajym and head of the Research Division Daurbek Ketebayev. Speakers responded to questions from participants of the evening.