The city of Astana is located near the Ishim River and it is divided into the right and left banks of the capital. The left bank is more beautiful; the most unusual buildings are located here.
Khan Shatyr |
the office of a company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, The ministry of transport Transport Tower |
Beijin Palace Solux Hotel |
Abu Dhabi Plaza |
Central Mosque of Astana |
Palace of Peace and Accord |
Dancing fountains by Baiterek tower |
Palace of Ak-Orda |
On the water-green boulevard, near Baiterek, in the evening you can see fountains shimmering in different colors to the sounds of classical music. In addition to Khan Shatyr, Abu Dhabi Plaza, the Beijing Palace Hotel with a revolving restaurant, the Palace of Peace and Accord, mosques and government buildings presented on the layout, there are many other unique places and structures.
Ailand Family Fun Center, which houses an aquarium with exotic marine life, a 3D cinema, a slot machine hall, a bowling and a nightclub.
Walking across flower of life-shaped Atyrau Bridge, designed for pedestrians and cyclists, feels like you’re inside the skeleton of a giant fish.
Aturay Bridge, which was completed in 2018, became one of the brilliant examples of bionic architecture in Kazakhstan.
The greenhouses of the Astana Botanical Garden are filled with fruit trees, tropical plants and cacti.
Ethnographic park “Atameken” looks like a large map on a reduced scale. Models of mountains, hills, steppes, forests, lakes and the largest cities of Kazakhstan with their attractions are presented in the open air.
Our capital also has a unique Museum of Future Energy Nur-Alem, built on the territory of the EXPO-2017 exhibition complex, a military history museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a wooden house-museum named after Saken Seifullin, the building of the Capital Circus in the form of a flying saucer.
Museum of Future Energy Nur Alem |
Military History Museum |
Wooden house-museum named after Saken Seifullin |
Capital Circus |