Елбасының «5 институционалды реформаларды жүзеге асыру бойынша 100 нақты қадам» Ұлт жоспарын және «Ұлт жоспары – қазақстандық арманға бастайтын жол» атты мақаласын насихаттау бойынша дәстүрлі Назарбаев оқулары аясындағы «Ұлт бірлігі мен қазақстандық біртектілікті нығайту – Президент реформаларының табысты орындалуының кепілі» атты Келелі Кеңес

October 28, 2016 – in the First President Historical and Cultural Center in the
framework of the traditional Nazarbaev readings was held a round table discussion
The Strengthening of the Unity of the Nation and Kazakhstan Identity – the
Guaranty of the Implementation of the Presidential Reforms.
Objective: to promote the Nation Plan 100 Concrete Steps to Implement the 5
Institutional Reforms, the President article The Plan of the Nation – the Way to the
Kazakhstan Dream aimed at the development of the country, improvement of the
well-being of the people and the mobilization of the inhabitants of the area to
perform tasks assigned by the President
The event was attended by representatives of the Assembly of people of
Kazakhstan, Karaganda State University, public Council of Temirtau and the NGO
Halyktar Dostygy, the students of the training centre of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy directors and college students.
During the event presented a video on the Nation Plan 100 Concrete Steps to
Implement the 5 Institutional Reforms. Then the reports on the agenda were made
by a member of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, commander of the order
Kurmet Despina Kasapidi, head of the Department of the history of Kazakhstan
and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan Karaganda State University, Ph.d.
Zhambyl Zhumabekov, Chairman of the NGO Halyktar Dostygy in Temirtau Iliyas
Bajmyrzaev, trainees of the training centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Republic of Kazakhstan Zhibek Shubaeva, companion of the President,
commander of the orders Kurmet and Parasat Қuanysh Omashev and researcher of
the Center Kurmanshadi Orazymbetov. Participants exchanged opinions on the
At the end of the event the most active participants of the roundtable discussion
were handed the gratitude letters of First President Historical and Cultural Center